Future Generations Leadership Academy, Wales

Sophie Howe wearing a royal blue with yellow-gold flowers outfit presenting at the OYW London Summit





One Young World has partnered with the Future Generations Leadership Academy, led by the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, to enable existing leaders in Wales to connect with and learn from the next generation of leaders who have the right skills for the future. The Future Generations Leadership Academy launched in 2019, drawing young leaders from across all sectors in Wales who are pursuing action on a range of important matters on behalf of our current and future generations.

Described by The Guardian as the “World’s first minister of the Unborn”, Sophie Howe's role as the world’s first Future Generations Commissioner was to provide advice to the Government and other public bodies in Wales on delivering social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being for current and future generations and assessing and reporting on how they are delivering.

Sophie Howe wearing a royal blue with yellow-gold flowers outfit presenting at the OYW London Summit
Sophie Howe - How Wales is leading the way on intergenerational justice - OYW 2019
I’m pleased that One Young World have committed to supporting the campaigns to have other countries adopt legislation like the Well-being of Future Generations Act. I look forward to building the movement for change together."

Sophie Howe, Former Future Generations Commissioner for Wales

2022 Future Generations Ambassadors









2021 Future Generations Ambassadors









2019 Future Generations Ambassadors